Posts filed under ‘Videogames’

Killzone 3 – multiplayer impressions

My first videogame impressions in quite a long time! Sorry guys I’ve been really busy with uni exams heading right towards me >.<”

Back stabbing has never been so fun.

If you’ve owned a PS3 and love the fps genre, Killzone 2 should have definitely been in your library. With its engaging team-focussed multiplayer, gritty environments and awesome graphics, it had many players hooked, with many convincing themselves that it was a “Halo killer” (somewhat realistically in vain).



October 29, 2010 at 9:53 pm 1 comment

Bioshock Infinite – debut trailer impressions

“Burden NOT Columbia with your CHAFF!”

Are we under water again........?

The world of Bioshock takes to the skies in the third game in the series, Bioshock Infinite, as announced recently and I seriously can’ wait for this game. No longer are we in the depths of Rapture circa 1960. Bioshock Infinite is set in 1912 on board the floating city of Columbia, a proud bastion of American exceptionalism, sent to foreign shores to show off America’s newfound wealth and prosperity.


However the city is involved in an international incident, and for some reason the city disappears into the clouds. You play as a disgraced Pinkerton agent Booker DeWitt who is sent to rescue Elizabeth, a young woman who’s been imprisoned in Columbia since she was young. However Elizabeth is central to the conflict apparent in the heavily armed Columbia, and it turns out its citizens won’t let go of her so easily.

Welcome to Columbia

Elizabeth has special powers (probably plasmid-related) and while forming a relationship with her, Booker augments his own powers so that they both can escape from the city of Columbia, which is literally falling from the sky.

Cloud City - no we're NOT talking about Bespin here...

I’m glad Irrational Games is trying something different to the dystopian universe we’ve come to associate with the Bioshock series. Turn of the century America has an awesome old patriot and federalist feel to it which I’m sure many players will enjoy digging in. Hopefully the setting will be a breath of fresh air to the series, something that Bioshock 2 could not achieve.


However it’s a little sad that we won’t be hearing from iconic characters such as Tenebaum and Ryan, as this title isn’t directly related to the main Bioshock plot. Irrational has decided to go with a totally new setting with new characters, but stick to the core gameplay experience fans of the series recognises. No doubt there’ll be new weapons and new abilities, such as Murder of Crows, which gives the player the ability to summon and control a group of the hungry black birds.

Ooo purdy...

What’s also cool is that since we’re now 30000 ft in the air, there’ll be some very open battlegrounds to deal with, something Bioshock 1 and 2 did not have. This is partly achieved by the new engine Irrational’s decided to use, something which also explains the graphical improvements that have apparantly been witnessed from a demo.

Every daddy has a heart ❤

Apparantly DeWitt can push and pull almost anything in front of him. What’s also interesting to note is that Elizabeth WILL be accompanying you at a certain stage of the game, and she obviously has powers of her own. Columbia’s ‘Big Daddies’ are also slightly different in appearance to Rapture’s, and most of the enemies you’ll battle will definitely be more human than Rapture’s splicers.

A reference to a prosperous era

It’s good to hear that the Bioshock series is heading towards some very new territory. While I’ll miss the denizens of Rapture sorely, the flying behemoth of Columbia seeks to reach new heights of awesomeness. Bioshock Infinite is set to be released in 2012 from PC, XBox 360 and PS3.

Damn. I wanted to see more of her cleavage.

August 15, 2010 at 3:42 pm 5 comments

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty – impressions

“If the Zerg wipe everything out, it’s all been for nothin’… So I’m going back to Char to get the job done… Because the one thing I know is some things are just worth fighting for.”


Okay, some people have requested me to write about SCII, so even though I haven’t got myself a copy yet (let alone have access to something that can play it) I’m going to try my best to give some impressions based on what I’ve heard, seen and read. Forgive me if I make a mistake here and there: I’m a SC n00b.

Everything looks so purrrrdy.... in ultra settings.

Definitely one of the biggest innovations that has been made to Wings of Liberty is its single player campaign, which is solely Terran. Heart of the Swarm will apparantly have RPG elements where you’ll need to level up Kerrigan the Queen of Blades, and Legacy of the Void will put the player in the shoes of Zeratul who will need to balance diplomatic relations among Protoss clans in order to further expand the unit and tech tree.

Forget the failed FPS, the CGI here is awesome!

From what I’ve seen, the campaign is very different to Brood War in the way it is played out. The player will spend quite a lot of time on Raynor’s flagship, the Hyperion, upgrading units and performing tech research. In addition, you’ll be able to interact with the Hyperion’s staff. Blizzard has taken a non-linear approach to the campaign, where at least initially, you will essentially choose missions to earn you money to fund your revolution against Mengsk’s Dominion.

Mission selection blah

For those who aren’t in the know, or simply want some practice, there are challenge missions which are great for honing in skills that are supposedly invaluable in online multiplayer. I think this is a great bonus for newcomers to the series, as the feeling of being left in the dark and/or being criticised for poor play online is often discouraging and off-putting. The new and improved Battlenet allows players to save replays of past matches (for heated discussion and review) and also features improved player matching.

Imma buildin' mah base~

It is clear that Blizzard has huge production values for this game. The vast majority of players tend to agree that the voicework has been fantastic. Up till this point in time, I haven’t heard anything negative regarding the actual soundtrack of Wings of Liberty, so that must be considered a plus! Of course few words need to be mentioned concerning the in-game cutscenes and CGI. The Blizzard team should be proud.

*Insert gameplay screenie here*

Casting that all aside, gameplay is where it’s at, and Blizzard has, in my opinion unsurprisingly, delivered a generally recogniseable formula, which is good. The gameplay of Brood War is tried and tested and what we receive in SCII is what I like to call refreshingly similar. Of course there are definitely new units (and missing ones) and new abilities, and while there will be some learning to do for fans of Brood War, Blizzard has played it safe compared to other RTSs in the market, and stuck with something solid.

Battlenet 2.0 RAWR

All that’s left for me to do is actually getting a copy of the game 😛 With Starcraft II being the fastest selling RTS in history, Blizzard must be doing something right. With a well thought-out campaign, combined with improved yet recogniseable gameplay, you’ll no doubt be spending hours and hours learning the ins and outs of each race with your friends.

How to train your dragon... well not quite...

August 5, 2010 at 6:33 pm 8 comments

Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds – further impressions

“Insert suitable quotation from or about the game here”

Some of the Marvel characters

MvC3 is looking great after what we’ve seen at SDCC. With a roster of already 16 playable characters, and at least 14 more characters to be announced, it is no wonder that MvC3 is definitely next year’s most hyped fighter (besides Tekken vs Street Fighter, of course).

Dr Doom, Super-Skrull and the Hulk

For those who haven’t been keeping up, the roster now includes:

Marvel: Captain America, Deadpool, Thor, Iron Man, the Hulk, Super-Skrull (replacing the Fantastic Four), Doctor Doom and Wolverine

Capcom: Chun-Li, Amaterasu (from Ookami), Chris Redfield, Dante, Trish, Morrigan, Ryu and Felicia

Everyone loves their buns hot and steaming

I must admit, I really dig the comic book styled effects that pop up in the gameplay trailers, obviously inspired by classic Marvel art. The 3D models also look gorgeous.

Trish and her large... scythe.

Gameplay looks fast and hectic. Effects seem to splatter and cover most of the screen, especially in heated moments, and while this can be a little distracting, for onlookers, it must be quite a marvel (pun not intended). This game is definitely NOT for epileptics.

Amaterasu's take down

Despite using 3D character models, MvC3 will still remain as a 2D fighter, with players only able to move forwards and backwards, and up and down. Like previous installments that there will be also a three-on-three tag team mode, where players choose 3 characters which can be switched in-game at any time. This obviously offers a lot of tactical potential to already robust gameplay.

More Amaterasu action

Like Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars, MvC3 will use a simplified 3-button representing low, medium and high attacks. The aim is to “knock down the wall of complicated controls and open up the field of strategic fighting to all comers”. While seasoned players may be a little disappointed, I for one am pretty glad, seeing that I’ve relatively new to the fighter genre.

The power of THOR!

Single player will apparantly be ‘robust’ with a story mode which has unique endings for each character. There will also be online multiplayer.

Shaken, not stirred.

I have never been a fan of fighters, but this game might just break that mold. Here’s to more interesting characters and gameplay modes to be announced~!

"You shall not pass!!!!!12183428one"

July 26, 2010 at 9:15 pm 6 comments

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker – review

“We will leave our motherlands and return to the earth… We have no  nation, no philosophy, no ideolgoy… We are soldiers without borders… This is Outer Heaven.”

The country you once fought before is now your enemy.

What a brilliant game. Peace Walker is no doubt one of the best, if not, the best PSP game out in the market today. There’s so much win in this bundle of joy, and bucketloads of fanservice to core gamers of the franchise. Peace Walker, a direct sequel to Portable Ops (and thus obviously Snake Eater), is just as much of a prequel to MGS1 as it is to MGS4: Guns of the Patriots. Hideo Kojima, you genius.

Our ever so stealthy Big Boss

If you really want a good gist of what’s happening in Peace Walker, you should really have played Portable Ops, Guns of the Patriots, and probably Snake Eater, as there’s tonnes of references that are definitely directed at fans. That being said, if you haven’t, you probably shouldn’t worry too much. Sure, you will bypass a few key events here and there, and you may be confused by the game’s end, but Peace Walker will still prove to be very enjoyable.

Boom. Headshot.

The controls have definitely been improved since Portable Ops. While it is still rather annoying manually aiming at moving targets (unless you go noob and auto-lock), you’ll end up controlling Snake relatively easily within half an hour or so. The camera is sometimes irritating to handle especially when wall-hugging in tight areas.

Not so stealthy now...

However core gameplay is very solid and fun. Customisable controls are a bonus. The addition of the Fulton recovery system, although pretty far-fetched, is DAMN welcome regarding those who played Portable Ops. Ahh, the days of DRAGGING downed enemies ALL THE WAY back to some truck at the beginning. Fulton as a result, removes that annoying chore which interrupted the stealth gameplay significantly.


There’s no doubt that Kojima loves his cutscenes. I’m extremely glad they kept the comic-book art style from Portable Ops. Peace Walker is a beautful game considering it’s on a portable console. There’s no point comparing it to DS games, because it definitely makes them a little wet in the pants. Not only are some of these interactive, they’re all replayable, so you can enjoy your Peace Walker lore without replaying the whole game again.

Peace Walker

One lame flaw is the fact that there are only a set number of character models for enemies. The result is the fact that you’ll be tranquilising, killing and cqc-ing clones, which can make an otherwise great-looking game dull.

More Peace Walker

Sound is awesome. David Hayter reprises his role as Snake, and he does a good job of it, though I felt that the smokey lung voice he uses has always been a little excessive. Other than that, the English voice actors do a fantastic job. Peace Walker also has a brilliant soundtrack, arranged by Nobuka Toda, Kazuma Jinnouchi and other composers. There are many magic moments in the game where the soundtrack just blows your mind.

Fight alongside your comrades

However, the game is not without its faults. When players unlock Outer Ops, they’ll understand what I’m talking about. The inability to control your men’s actions is frustrating, and often you will lose men, and more importantly mechs (which take AGES to get solo) just because the AI is so f*cking stupid. I wonder why Kojima left out the option of control in this instance. Whether he thought that would make it too easy, or whether there were time constraints, I really don’t know.

Fight against choppers

The bosses, while challenging and very rewarding to challenge, often take YONKS, especially when you’re facing the 2nd and 3rd tier versions of the vehicles. They’re not impossible to do by yourself, but it can take an easy half an hour to down a chopper by yourself, and if you die in the process, you’ll have to start from square one. Who said a soldier’s life isn’t hard?

Snake - he smokes too much.

It all goes to show that Peace Walker is MEANT to be played with friends. Co-op almost always reduces the time it takes to take out bosses, and it’s pretty much necessary when dealing with the advanced bosses unlocked further in the game. You simply won’t be able to carry enough ammo on one person full stop. Co-op is also damn fun, and you’ll find yourself defeating bosses with your buddies for hours. There’s also a very solid online multiplayer component which many players forget about.

Troop carrier

Some say that the easter eggs in Peace Walker are a tacky addition in Kojima’s attempts to be funny. Indeed there are some pretty ridiculous things in the game, such as the Rescue Box, the banana, Monster Hunter missions and the tuxedo. However, I personally don’t think these hints of humour detriment the game at all. The Monster Hunter missions are HEAPS of fun with a buddy. Just take it as Hideo’s quirky sense of style and his constant urge to signature his work  (up to the point you UNLOCK him as a character).

Trenya - the talking cat from Monster Hunter

Peace Walker is a HUGE game, and I really don’t use that word lightly. Kojima and his staff have clearly put a sh!tload of effort into this game, whether it be in regards to the ability to view ALL of your weapons from every angle, the HOURS of intricate history and backstory embedded in the game via audiotapes, the story AFTER the main story, and the small character comments on EACH of your men (up to 350 can be stored!!!!!).

Well.... errrrr... it's all part of the mission XP

I can spend aaaaages describing every single detail Kojima has gone into, but I won’t because this game is better experienced that writing about. The thought that there will never be another new (storyline-wise) game involving the Snakes done by Kojima again truly saddens me, as this was as epic as games get.

Story/setting: 9.5/10

Graphics: 9.25/10

Sound: 10/10

Gameplay: 8.75/10

Lasting value: 9.25/10

Overall: 9.35/10

Tsk tsk! Getting caught sleeping on the job

July 5, 2010 at 10:18 am 2 comments

E3 update part 2

Here goes….

Epic Mickey (Wii)

Get ready Mickey

Okay this game was pretty surprising. Surprising because it actually looked pretty deep. You play as everyone’s favourite mouse, who has accidentally screwed around with a world where Walt Disney’s rejected characteres reside. Because you feel like such a bad guy, you decide to fix everything up with your magical paintbrush (who would’ve guessed >_>) which has awsun paowahs, like erasing walls (paint thinner) and building stuff (paint). This game looks good.

What have you done, Mickey?!

Dead Space 2 (PS3, XBox 360, PC)

Necromorph juice

Ready for some more necromorphs? The bad-ass of engineering, Isaac, is back, along with a new suit and some new tools. Expect some more frights, and now for the first time, multiplayer. The Ps3 version will also come with Dead Space: Extraction as a Move-capable title.

Who wouldn't kill for a suit like that?

Final Fantasy XIV (PS3)

It's about the team!

From what I’ve seen, this game puts huge emphasis on teamwork. Personally, I would’ve been more happy to see more Versus XIII than XIV. Gameplay looks pretty decent, and it looks like some of our favourite summons are coming back as bosses e.g. Bahamut. This looks like a happy and cutesy Japanese version of WoW, with lots of focus on defeating big bosses with your buddies.


Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)

Fly boy~

Kid Icarus is back and he looks fantastic in the revival of this game franchise. It combines aerial and ground combat, and from what we’ve seen, this game looks awesome. It also combines magic with more traditional physical attacks, and it’s pretty damn fast-paced. I don’t really have more info, besides the fact that you’ll still be in Palutena, fighting the forces of Medusa the Gorgon, who include Cereberus.

Just another day in Palutena...

Patapon 3 (PSP)

Let's give 'em a beating.

So apparantly Patapon is getting yet another sequel. However, you’re not playing as some god, but rather, the ‘hero’ of your tribe, carrying the drums. Some people also say how you won’t be able to transfer your army from Patapon 2 over to P3. Weird. However what’s awesome is that you’ll apparantly be able to host 4v4 battles locally.

LittleBig Planet (PS3)

The creatinator in use

This game should be in every primary school’s curriculum. What it provides is an amazing platform for experimentation and the imagination that is FUN. I really enjoyed seeing what the top designers could do in 24 hours with LBP2. It was fantastic. I cannot wait for this game.Definitely a first day buy for me.

Random minigame

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

"That guard needs to be paying more attention. His buddy's got a hole in his face"

This game looks pretty damn different to the first Ghost Recon. I guess the franchise needed a breath of fresh air. Now while the footage looked really sweet, it just came across to me that it was pretty damn n00b friendly. I mean, now you have optical cloaking, which makes close quarter kills pretty damn simple to execute. Not to forget, all you really need to do is get up close, and press a button. I really want to play this game, but if it turns out to be a gung-ho poor man’s version of MGS4 or Splinter Cell: Conviction, I’m going to be disappointed.

Noob friendly what.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (PS3)

Gabriel - with a name like that, I'd also be depressed

This game looks and sounds orgasmically good. It has, by far, the best voice-acting I’ve heard this E3, and the music we heard in the trailers was brilliant. I wouldn’t blame you if you said that it looks like a Medieval version of the God of War series, especially when the game places a large emphasis on these epic boss battles. However, is that necessarily a bad thing? Bring it on, Gabriel Belmont.

Gabriel Belmont - the Indiana Jones of his time

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)

A mix between Celda Link and Twilight Link

Well to be honest, what we saw of this game in E3 was relatively underwhelming. I’m not sure what to say about the graphics, being a mixed between cell-shaded and realistic. Also apparantly the controls were pretty annoying to handle with. However, Miyamoto definitely pointed out that the game was still far from finished, so there’s plenty of time to fix up these problems.

Where would any hero be without a slingshot

For the time being, that’s it folks. I know I’ve missed out on some of the big titles like the new Mortal Kombat, Silent Hill 8, and most of the fps’s. If I have time, I’ll come back to them.

June 20, 2010 at 8:42 pm 7 comments

E3 update part 1

Wow there are seriously too many awesome games to blog about, so I’m going to do quick impressions of those which I found really excellent or interesting to note. Also, I won’t be writing large chunks on each game, simply because there’s just so many of them! However if you do have any requests on games which you’d like more info, please leave a comment below, and I’ll take a look. There’s at least 18 games I want to talk about, so expect more in the following week.

Portal 2 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Mac OS X)

Welcome back to Aperture Science

In what was one of the biggest surprises on E3 2010, Gabe Newell (of Valve fame) announced that he hoped to make Portal 2 on PS3 the best console version of the game, quite a stab to the face of Microsoft’s Xbox. From what we can see, Chell, the protagonist from Portal 1, is back, having been held in stasis for quite a looooong time. Everyone’s favourite AI GLaDOS is also back, and hasn’t forgotten what Chell did to her all those years ago.  One thing that is new is that the effects found in one portal, will bleed into the other. There will also be a 2-player co-op mode.

Where's my cake?

Kirby’s Epic Yarn (Wii)


Kirby may be the cutest thing on earth, but don’t let that fool you into believing his games are for the kids. Sakurai has had a huge following after hits including the Super Smash Brothers franchise, and this game looks bloody fantastic. It also has a co-op mode, where the second player is some blue crown-wearing, big-eyed version of Kirby. AWESOME. There will be new powers too. Trust Nintendo to make yarn exciting.


Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (PS3, XBox 360, PC)

Don't worry Ezio. We love you too.

I never really got into the whole Assassin’s Creed business, but after watching a few trailers of the third main console outing of this franchise, I’m tempted to start. There’s a healthy multiplayer component in Brotherhood that ACTUALLY works. I enjoy games like Peace Walker where you need to build up your forces, and send them on missions, etc. so the fact that you’re building your league of assassins is a tantalising thought.

What a fag.

GoldenEye (Wii)

GoldenEye is back.

Nintendo had probably one of its BEST E3 conferences this year. The announcement of GoldenEye for the Wii was one heck of a surprise, and probably made all fanboys a little wet inside their pants, including me. However, it begs to ask the question, is it THAT necessary to revive one of the best first-person shooters in HISTORY? Some may argue that it may have been better to let the game rest, rather than risk a shitty upgrade on a console that has let down many hardcore gamers. Nintendo definitely knows how to bring in the gold.

Split-screen is back.

Lego Universe (PC, Mac)

Errrr... wut?

Who here loved Lego as a kid. I certainly did, and it has astounded me how much Lego has built itself, not only as a toy company, but also as a significant gaming one. Now I’m really not sure how a Lego MMOG would work, but when you think about it, it should work… right? I mean, you can literally do anything with Lego, so why build and customise your characters online? This looks like a pretty good MMO for the kiddies before they start on the hardcore stuff like WoW and the soon-to-come Star Wars: The Old Republic

Looks... interesting?

Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC)

I don't care if this isn't canon! This is AWESOME!

Okay, I’m not too flash on the MMORPG market, but LucasArts really knows how to make a cinematic trailer. This CGI trailer was action-packed and simply awesome. Online, you’ll be able to have companions, choose from a variety of job classes such as bounty hunter, and Republic trooper. Lightsaber action will undoubtedly be in as well, and it actually works too.

Did I say something wrong....?

Third Birthday (PSP)

Aya, our 20-year old looking 35 year-old protagonist 😛

BOO YEAH! This game looks AWESOME! For the many not in the know, Third Birthday is the third game in the Parasite Eve franchise. Don’t know what that is? Yeah, I’m not surprised. In a nutshell it’s a third-person shooter where you’ll fight crazy-ass monsters. The protagonist Aya, will also have an ability which allows her to essentially switch bodies. PSP owners, make sure you watch this trailer.

Third Birthday in action

Metal Gear Solid 3D (3DS)

Who's Boss?

That’s right. Metal Gear Solid 3, aka Snake Eater will be coming out on the 3DS, i.e. in full 3D glory. After looking at a few screens of this game, the 3DS will be a definite buy for me. Developers state that they aim to maintain, if not, surpass, the graphical power of MGS3 on the PS2 for the 3DS. This port looks freakin’ awesome, and I can’t wait to get my hands on this next year.

Jack is back

That’s it for today. However, don’t worry if your favourite game-to-be hasn’t got mentioned yet. I still have PLENTY of games to go through.

June 17, 2010 at 7:04 pm 10 comments

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II – first impressions

“Betrayed by Vader for the last time. A new journey begins with something worth fighting for, someone worth dying for…”

Darth Vader - Dad of The Year material right there

Starkiller looks f*cking happy. Heck he should be dishing out free food to the homeless, or selling tax-refundable badges. What a model citizen. Instead of remaining Jedi, Starkiller’s gonna be chasin’ after more stormtroopers, and Peter Garrett clones.

Holy crap. Darth Vader aka Kevin Rudd's plans to take over the world. PETER GARRETT CLONES

However, more on-topic, if you liked the first Force Unleashed, I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy the second. While I never liked how they made Starkiller so goddamn imber, it was admittedly pretty satisfying to hand out some dirt to stormtroopers, droids and other types of fodder.

I really do pity stormtroopers.

TFU2 makes improvements on its predecessor. Some force powers have apparantly been altered, and new ones have been introduced themselves, such as mind trick, which causes enemies to fight amongst themselves. Force Fury will now also be able to be used multiple times.

More explosions

A nice addition to the sequel is the inclusion of dismemberment. Limbs will get hacked off. Believe it or not, they didn’t in the TFU1, which was kinda weird, seeing that LucasArts put so much effort in its nifty physics engine, yet ignored the very visible effect of turning your enemies into diced vegetables. Said engine is also supposedly improved as well.

More Kamino. Lucas Arts just can't get enough of this planet

The first game was a pretty cool romp around the galaxy. I thoroughly enjoyed the boss battles, and though I found this canon pretty far-fetched, I’d still recommend TFU1 to any Star Wars fanboy/girl. TFU2 will be released in the US on 26/10/10 for pretty much everything out there.

Starkiller - next in Circque du Soleil's lineup

June 13, 2010 at 9:36 pm 1 comment

Crysis 2 – E3 gameplay footage impressions

“The Pingu attacks E3 2010… I mean Pinger… I mean Metal Gear Rex”

Seriously. Call it Pingu. Get it done.

As we approach E3, we’ve been lucky to get a nice taste of the sweet sweet love Crysis 2 has to offer. Seriously, if you haven’t played Crysis 1, do so before its proper sequel arrives on the Xbox, PS3 and PC next year.

Time to kick some alien butt!..... While I'm cloaked...

To be honest, the new gameplay footage hasn’t really revealed much more that what we know now. More like, it’s reconfirmed several features that will appear in the game. The numero uno improvement that we can see is the streamlined functionality of the nanosuit 2.0. In one instance the player jumped from one roof to the next, using the Strengh function, and then immediately and seamlessly cloaked, ready to ninja a Crynet thug from behind. Nice!

Ninja's do it from behind.

I also believe a new weapon has been confirmed: the grenade launcher. About time. I’m assuming your generic fps weapons will also make an appearance somewhere down the track too. Weapons will also be customiseable, much like how they were in Crysis 1.

Jumpin' from building to building. Just another day using the Nanosuit 2.0

Apparantly you’re ARE playing as a NEW character, which is weird, because I swore you were playing as Nomad. Anyhoo for those not in the know, for some reason you pilch the Nanosuit 2.0 (who wouldn’t), so the Crynet guys are after you (seriously, wtf dewd! Humanity’s screwed, and all you’re worrying about is your precious Nanosuit?!?!?!?). You also have to deal with an alien invasion bent on overtaking the world (which ones aren’t, seriously).

You will see red~

That put aside, Crysis 2 looks jaw-droppingly, face-pwningly amazing. To think that Crytek aims to surpass the first game graphically! This is a game to follow during E3.

Ouch. This is gonna hurt a bit.

June 8, 2010 at 3:48 am 3 comments

Deus Ex: Human Revolution – E3 trailer impressions

“I never asked for this… If you wanna make enemies, try to change something.”

One of the uber metropolises you'll visit

Wow. This trailer was seriously the sexiest thing I’ve seen so far, which is really indicating something, seeing that we’ve had awesome trailers for Transformers: War for Cybertron and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Human Revolution is a joint production between Eidos and Squeenix for PC, XBox 360 and the PS3.

Eye'm watching you ~

Deus Ex 3 will be set in 2027, 27 years before the original Deus Ex. The nanotechnology that was used in Deus Ex 1 and 2 is still in development, and instead, the player will use biomechanic augmentation to kick future humanity’s butt. There will be four types of augmentation: stealth, combat, technology and social. What’s also important to note is that health will regenerate over time, so no more scroungin’ for med packs!

Damn police, always spoiling the fun!

Unfortunately there’s no gameplay footage, but from what we can tell from this spectacular trailer is that obviously cloaking and some sort of mind control/hacking is in. It’s also been confirmed that players will be able to execute one-hit kills in cqc. Also confirmed is the fact that each enemy team will have a leader. If this leader is killed, the team goes haywire.

Adam's like a Machiavellian Neo!

Like in Invisible War, players will also be able to upgrade weapons. However ammo for each weapon will be of different types, seeing that nanotech hasn’t been implemented at this stage of the game’s canon.

Will the Illuminati appear?

The man of the hour is Adam Jensen, a security officer who works for Sarif (think ‘seraph’) Industries, a company that is at the forefront of  human augmentation. Like the previous 2 games, Human Revolution will explore the concept of transhumanism (using technology is essentially create uberhumans), and the contraversies that surround it.

He dead.

I really dig the Renaissance-cyberpunk conceptualisation of Human Revolution. It nicely emphasises the innovation of this period. In an unsubtle reference to its predecessors, the myth of Icarus and Daedalus is brought up in this trailer, and it makes me wonder what ‘sun’ Adam Jensen was ‘flying towards’ which resulted in his current predicament.


It’s also interesting to note that while DE1 and 2 essentially shoved option of ‘player choice’ in our faces, this trailer keeps reminding us how the main character is essentially trapped, never having the liberty to choose his fate. It remains to be seen whether Human Revolution uses a more linear path, or follows its predecessors. Stay tuned for more updates during E3.

Now why would you cloak that ass...

June 6, 2010 at 3:32 am 4 comments

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